Emotes & badges

Emotes $30
5 emotes $125
Sub Badges $15-30
+$5 for colour variations
+$5-10 for minor modifications

If you're looking for anything
not listed shoot me a message
in the contact tab! Thnx!


Sketch $20
Monochrome $35
Full Colour $60

Bust/half body
Sketch $30
Monochrome $50
Full Colour
waist up $75
Thigh up $90
Full body
sketch $45
Monochrome $60
Full colour $120

Merch +100%
Detailed background +100%
Detailed outfit + 50-100%
Typography +$25

Terms of service

Payment timeline
Under $150 - 100% payment up front
Over $150 - 50% up front,
50% once designs are finalised
Commissioned work cannot be
altered without my permission

Merch license does not include prints

heyyy welcome to my page <3
thankyou for visiting!
I'm a self taught artist who
and now we're doing

Slide into my DM's on twitter to get in touch